Understanding ABA

It takes a village to raise a child and the ABA approach is no exception to the rule. Fast and effective therapy is dependent on consistency among all caregivers. A priceless gift to your child’s therapy is a personal education of the methods of their therapy. Families with a strong grasp of the principles and teaching strategies of ABA Therapy, who are willing to incorporate teaching into their everyday interactions with their children will see additional meaningful changes in their child’s life.

Enlightening Books

ABA Information

Understanding Applied Behavior Analysis 
by Albert Kearney, 2007

In-Home ABA Programs
 by Elle Johnson, 2013

Treating Eating Problems by Keith E. Williams, 2007

Verbal Behavior Information

The Verbal Behavior Approach
 by Mary Barbera, 2007

Verbal Behavior Milestones and
 Placement Program: The VB-MAPP
 by Mark Sundberg, 2008

Positive Reinforcement

The Home Token Economy by J.R. Alvord & C.D. Cheney, 1998

Other Organizations