In today’s BCBA feature you’ll meet the Director of Healthy Beginnings Ben Sarcia, and hear more about his passion for helping others, and how Verbal Beginnings differs from other places he has worked.
What’s the most rewarding part of your role at VB?
Being able to help children and families achieve progress. So many children come to the Healthy Beginnings program with extremely narrow diets, dependent upon certain cups or utensils, or even having never fed themselves. In most cases, the parents are lost as to how to address issues related to mealtime. Being able to provide evidence-based intervention that results in significant progress is what I wanted to do when I first became interested in the field of psychology at age 14.
What’s the best part about working for VB?
Autonomy. In my last position, I was in a supervisory role as a BCBA, but given the rules of the organization, I was not allowed to oversee cases. Currently, I am able to do my job as the BACB has intended, which makes the work that I do rewarding.
How have you seen VB’s Core Values in action this last year?
VB’s core values are in action every day. From education for parents and staff to dissemination of knowledge, to people in our field across the globe.
What surprised you the most when you first started out at VB?
The supportive nature of the BCBAs employed at VB. Even though none that I knew had worked in a feeding therapy setting, they were happy to consult with me and provide another perspective when I needed it.
What keeps you coming back each day?
So many of our kids make observable progress in Healthy Beginnings within the first week of therapy. Being able to share this with parents and caregivers is incredibly rewarding as the social validity of improved mealtime behavior is through the roof.
What would you say to those just starting out their careers in ABA?
Hang on for an exciting ride! The field of ABA has grown so much and yet there is so much more to achieve.
Want to see Ben in action? Here ya go: